Bio1152 Chapter 44 Osmoregulation and Excretion
  1. All organisms live in a fluid environment with different osmotic situations and must have adaptations for                 to maintain water balance.

  2. Marine animals living in               sea water       water and       salt, so must constantly drink water and          salt.

  3. Freshwater animals       water and       salts from their              environment, so must constantly          dilute urine.

  4. Nitrogenous wastes from the breakdown of           and          acids also play a role in osmoregulation.

  5. Many excretory systems maintain osmoregulation and excrete nitrogenous wastes through        by refining a filtrate derived from body fluids.

  6. The                 of a planarian filter fluids through a             , which is a network of dead-end tubules lacking internal openings.

  7. The                of an earthworm consist of open-ended tubules that collect           fluid.

  8. The             tubules of terrestrial arthropods remove nitrogenous wastes from the            .

  9. The mammalian excretory system consists of paired          each supplied with blood by a renal         and drained by a renal       .

  10.               hormone (ADH) increases water reabsorption in the distal tubule and collecting duct by making them more            to water.

  11.              is another hormone that increases water reabsorption in the         tubule.

    Review: Control of Water Reabsorption