485 of 997 NAPERVILLE/2016_04_17   Apr 24, 2016 Morton Arboretum   NAPERVILLE/2016_04_28 487 of 997
(Common Snapping Turtle) swimming
Common Snapping Turtle
Chelydra serpentina
(Caspian Tern) Bluegill flip
Caspian Tern
Hydroprogne caspia
inaturalist ebird
(Bluegill) Caspian Tern
Lepomis macrochirus
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(Common Grackle) female fluffed
Common Grackle
Quiscalus quiscula
inaturalist ebird
(Chipping Sparrow) standing
Chipping Sparrow
Spizella passerina
inaturalist ebird

Biotic species by taxon: Chordates, Land Birds, Water Birds

Peter 2.0 root Root 5 photos this page iNaturalist iNaturalist
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0