Adventures In Birdwatching Disc 1: Florida Wading Birds (2000)

Join ornithologist and nature enthusiast Ken Dial as he travels to several birding hot spots filled with the most spectacular species of birds imaginable!

In this episode you'll visit Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel, Florida known for its glamorous wading birds such as Roseate Spoonbills, Great Blue Herons, Double Crested Cormorant, and Red-shouldered Hawks.
Peter's DVD rating: 2.5 stars
This 2-disc set takes viewers on an easy stroll through this many birding hotspots. Overall the educational values are fairly low; Ken mostly marvels at the birds and does not even bother to identify most of them. The photography is also mediocre, especially the birds in forests.
3:15 Roseate Spoonbill find food by touch, get carotenoids in food 4:30 Reddish Egret actively chase prey 5:10 Great Egret swallows fish head-first
6:00Birds preen 7:10 Black-necked Stilt , Great Egret, Snowy Egret wade on log stilts, have long necks 11:30Mangrove seed propagules float in water and sprout
13:40 Tricolored Heron 14:55 Red-shouldered Hawk 19:00 Great Blue Heron feeding chick
19:30 Brown Pelicans roost on mangrove islands      
3:15 Roseate Spoonbill
4:30 Reddish Egret
5:10 Great Egret
7:10 Black-necked Stilt
7:10 Snowy Egret
13:40 Tricolored Heron
14:55 Red-shouldered Hawk
19:00 Great Blue Heron
19:30 Brown Pelicans
Index Dec 21, 2005 copyleft Peter Chen