BBC - Life Disc 3: Hunters and Hunted (2010)

The ability to learn from past experiences and develop novel solutions to problems has allowed mammals to find prey – and avoid being preyed upon – in every environment on Earth. In this episode, a mother orca steals elephant seal pups from a nursery pool, teaching her calf a brand new form of predation. Stoats learn through play how to become deadly killers: When they grow up, unassuming rabbits – many times larger than stoats – pay a hefty price. Star-nosed moles hunt underwater by using bubbles to smell their prey; greater bulldog bats hunt fish by using echolocation to detect ripples in the water; and squirrels confound rattlesnakes by rubbing themselves in discarded snake skins.
Peter's DVD rating: 4.0 stars
577 LIF
QH 501.L544 2010
1:303 Cheetah brothers fail to chase down zebra individually; hunt Ostrich together (Kenya) 6:25 Nubian Ibex comes down cliff to feed, hunted by Blanford's Fox (Dead Sea) 12:40 Greater Bulldog Bat (Fisherman Bat) catches fish at 40 miles per hour, honk to avoid collision (Belize rainforest, Central America)
15:40 Stoat young engage in play fight, chase rabbit 10 times its size (English countryside) 19:40 Common Bottlenose Dolphin forms mud-ring to catch leaping fish in mouth (Florida) 23:40 Brown Bear catch salmon in sea (Alaska)
26:50 Ethiopian Wolf pack splits up to hunt rats alone (roof of Africa) 31:50 Star-nosed Mole nostrils surrounded by 22 fingers to sense by touch and detect prey underwater by bubbles 34:30 Chital Deer and Langur Monkeys sense danger, escape from Bengal Tiger (Bandhavgarh, India)
38:29 California Ground Squirrel chews snake skin and rubs paste into tail to stink of snake, waves her tail at 39:20 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 41:30 Killer Whale female hunts young Southern Elephant Seal in shallow water, passing skill to calf (Falkland Islands)
1:30 Cheetah brothers
1:30 Ostrich
6:25 Nubian Ibex
6:25 Blanford's Fox
12:40 Greater Bulldog Bat
15:40 Stoat
19:40 Common Bottlenose Dolphin
23:40 Brown Bear
26:50 Ethiopian Wolf
31:50 Star-nosed Mole
34:30 Chital Deer
34:30 Langur Monkeys
34:30 Bengal Tiger
38:29 California Ground Squirrel
39:20 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
41:30 Killer Whale female
41:30 Southern Elephant Seal
Index Feb 19, 2011 copyleft Peter Chen