Hidden World of Africa (2005)

Barely visible to the human eye, a truly fascinating universe lives in the bush and savannas of Africa. Here, creatures small, smaller and nearly invisible share a world with gigantic animals. Usually overlooked, often feared and despised, theirs may be a small world, but it's an important one.

Remarkable photography reveals some of the hundreds of invertebrates that thrive and support lives far larger than their own. Give this fascinating and tiny world a closer look and you'll discover the big wonders of small creatures. The "Explore The Wildlife Kingdom" series captures that mystery, adventure and drama of life in the wild like no other animal series. Join a safari to the farthest reaches of the globe. Explore the secrets of nature's incredible design. Journey into the kingdom of creation...to a place where nature tells its own story...and all through the lens of some of the finest wildlife photographers in the world.
Peter's DVD rating: 3.5 stars
Despite some subtle creationist messages, there are a few excellent segments in this film, including red velvet mites mating and ticks on the giraffe.

The cinematography of David and Carol Hughes is top notch, though we don't really need to see those home movies of the couple.

3:00I: African honeybee carries pollen to hive 3:20Solitary carpenter bee snatched by leaf mantis 3:55Parasitic wasp oviposits in mantis egg case
10:35II: Dung beetles laying eggs in buffalo manure 12:00III: Termite colony cultivates fungus; queen lays eggs 15:00IV: Giraffes; scorpion, mantis, slugs enjoy rain
18:35Red velvet mites mating with spermatophores, oviposit on termites 19:50V: Winged termites emerge from colony, preyed by eagles, jackal, birds 16:00VI: Male lion rubs face in buffalo dung, chases off pride to feed
22:14Scorpions hunts millipede 24:42VII: Ostriches visit Hughes home 27:05VIII: White storks feed on grasshoppers, also preyed on by chameleon
27:42Ants sip honeydew from scale insect; scale insect emerges from pupa 29:20IX: Baby elephant's first bath 30:20Wasp builds nest from mud, and stocks with caterpillars;
33:40Parasitic fly leaves larva in wasp nest 34:35X: Ticks climb onto impala; oxpeckers eat ticks; warthogs scratch 39:28XI: Young giraffe dies from ticks; blow flies lay eggs on dead giraffe; larvae hatch in 4 days
43:00XII: Moon moth caterpillar pupates, female emerges and lays eggs.      
Index Jul 18, 2011 copyleft Peter Chen