Bio1152 Chapter 51 Animal Behavior
  1. Animal behavior may have            ("how") and           ("why") causation.

  2. Innate behaviors are              determined and include simple movement such as          , and        , an oriented movement toward or away from a stimulus.

  3. A        action pattern (FAP) is triggered by an external       stimulus. More complex behaviors such as migration may also be largely genetically programmed.

  4. Animals communicate by using          , behaviors that cause a change in another animal's behavior.
    •           signals include             that allow communication through        .

    •           signals control courtship behaviors of many insects and birds.

    • Some animals are capable of           communication via complex movements.

  5.           occurs when behaviors are modified based on specific experiences.
    • Repeated exposure to the same stimulus may lead to loss of responsiveness to that stimulus in a process called              .

    • Many animals exhibit             during an early stage of development called the            (or critical) period.

    •              learning takes place when animals associate one feature of their environment with another.

  6. Mating systems include           ,           , and            .

    • In many species, females choose their mate in a process called              selection, or       choice.

    • Males often          for females in a process called              selection that can         variation among males and involve            behavior.

  7.             social behavior can be explained by            fitness based on      selection.

  8. The selective advantage of altruism can be quantified with             rule: an individual can proliferate its        by helping offspring of close relatives.
Bio1152 Chapter 52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere
  1. Ecology is the study of the interactions between            and the environment, including both          (nonliving) and         (living) components.

  2. Biotic factors such as            ,              , and other interactions among species can affect the distribution of organisms.

  3.          factors that affect the distribution of organisms include sunlight,              , wind, water, and soil.

  4. The angle of the sun changes due to the       of the Earth, leading to           climate changes every year.

  5. Large bodies of water have a             effect on the climate of nearby terrestrial environments. Lakes experience seasonal           in temperate regions.

  6. Mountains can block             winds and cast a rain         on the          side.

  7. The biotic and abiotic factors determine the nature of broad associations, called         .
  8.          biomes are divided into             and         biomes based on           , and stratified into         by light penetration, temperature, and depth.


    Review: Aquatic Biomes
  9.              biomes are largely determined by the          and the types of vegetation adapted to the              and                of an area.

    Review: Terrestrial Biomes